
pdf UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre Opportunities: the Arctic in a Global Context Popular


UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre Opportunities: the Arctic in a Global Context

Neville Ash
UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Danks, Fiona, UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom

UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre’s (UNEP-WCMC) responsibilities in terms of global biodiversity and ecosystems data, assessments and analyses, and policy support are all impacted by a relevant and adequate Arctic knowledge base. Opportunities exist for UNEP-WCMC to advance its involvement in Arctic biodiversity science and policy, and its overall contribution to global biodiversity understanding and decision-making.

An overview of engagement possibilities suggests areas of value: knowledge and expertise in ecosystem services, ecosystem modelling and protected areas; a rigorous biodiversity science perspective and complementarity in community engagement and capacity development; a global science, biodiversity and policy perspective that is relevant to the Arctic and its global linkages; a well-developed industry partnership and data sharing mechanism. Resulting contributions would aim to help ensure a sustainable future for the region and its inhabitants.

UNEP-WCMC’s engagement can increase the visibility of Arctic biodiversity and targets in global settings; relate the work of CAFF and the Arctic Council to global processes and raise CAFF’s profile; mainstream biodiversity and ecosystem services; and facilitate inter-disciplinary responses.

Through improved and more diverse knowledge, including traditional ecological knowledge, decision making can be improved, and biodiversity under changing conditions can be safeguarded through protection and stressor and threat reduction.