Day 1: October 9 IISD coverage

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Read the IISD/ENB summary report for Tuesday October 9, 2018
Photo by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

Day 2: October 10 IISD coverage

Read the IISD/ENB summary report for Wednesday October 10, 2018
Photo by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

Day 3: October 11 IISD coverage

Read the IISD/ENB summary report for Thursday October 11, 2018
Photo by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

Day 4: October 12 IISD coverage


Read the IISD/ENB summary report for Friday October 12, 2018 (COMING)

Congress Reporting

There will be several outputs arising from the Congress, including:

  • Co-chairs’ report
  • Reports on session outcomes provided to CAFF
  • Outreach and documentation through CAFF’s websites
  • Outreach to a global audience, including through IISD’s Reporting Services
  • Networking opportunities and inspiration

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has sent a reporting team to capture the proceedings of the Arctic Biodiversity Congress. The IISD will write short daily updates from the Congress and a more comprehensive final summary report upon Congress completion. The IISD will also post daily digital photos from the event. All coverage will be distributed on the IISD’s Reporting Services website, the Arctic Biodiversity Congress website as well as on IISD and CAFF’s social media and email channels.

Read the IISD/ENB coverage of the Arctic BIodiversity Congress

Congress reporting team

Each session organizer and assigned rapporteur will complete an online reporting tool to gather information from the proceedings of each session. Information will be used to inform the Congress outcomes.

Co-chairs report

After the event our co-chairs will work to deliver a report that provides an overview of Congress content and a summary of main findings. This report will be published on the Congress website: