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Microplankton mass components of the Barents Sea seasonal ice zone

Marina Venger
Murmansk marine biological institute
Marina Venger, Murmansk marine biological institute
Pavel Makarevich, Murmansk marine biological institute

A significant part of carbon fluxes in marine Arctic ecosystems passes through microbial food web, in which virio- and bacterioplankton plays an important role. Communities were investigated in the Barents Sea northeast drifting ice zone for the first time (April 2016, RV "Dalnie Zelentsy"). Temperature and salinity (STD-probe), oxygen concentration (Winkler method), chlorophyll (spectrophotometry), viruses and bacteria number (epifluorescence microscopy) were measured in the water column.
Temperature (from 2.13 to -1.84°C) and salinity of the photic layer upper part (34.45-34.89psu), oxygen saturation (