AS6: Understanding cumulative effects on Arctic biodiversity and landscapes

Date: Tuesday October 9, 2018

Location: Kero, Lappia Hall

Time: 17:00-18:30

This session consists of a facilitated panel discussion of different Arctic right-holders and stakeholders about cumulative effects on Actic biodiversity and livelihoods. The participants will discuss how visualization of spatial data, and the combination of scientific and traditional knowledge, could be used and improved to address different right-holders’/ stakeholders’ needs for information, planning and communication.

Chairs: Kathrine Johnsen, GRID-Arendal; Ole Anders Turi, Saami Council

Format: facilitated panel discussion


  1. Levi Westerveld, GRID-Arendal
  2. Starri Heiðmarsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Rif Field Station, Iceland
  3. Mikhail Pogodaev, Northern Forum
  4. Maret Risten Sara, Gearretnjarga reindeer herding district