Polar bears are affected by decreasing sea ice
The global population of polar bears is predicted to decrease by 30% in the next 45 years.
Arctic and surrounding seas produce more than 10% of global marine fisheries catches by weight
The Arctic and surrounding seas also account for 5.3% of the world's crustean catch by weight.
Of the 21 Northern languages that have gone extinct, 48% of those have disappeared since 1990.
This indicates an increasing rate of language extinction.
The ivory gull, a high Arctic species has decreased by 80% (since the 1980s)
on its Canadian range.
Northern plants are expected to lose up to 43% of their current distribution
under A2 and B2 climate change scenarios.
More than 50% of the world's wetlands are in the Arctic and sub-Arctic
Wetlands are important for carbon storage and water cycling.